This is the joint web platform of the organic cotton community worldwide, where knowledge about organic and fair trade cotton is exchanged and relevant information made available.
The community space allows you to participate in discussions about current issues in the organic and fair trade cotton sector or simply to address your questions to an interested community with the necessary expertise.
This website is designed to serve as a helpful technical resource providing comprehensive (and critical) information about organic cotton by linking existing websites in the sector and filling in gaps in information by allowing community members to submit additional topics and tools. This platform is a joint initiative supported by Helvetas (the Swiss Association for International Cooperation), ICCO (Dutch Interchurch Organisation for Development Co-operation) and SECO (Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs) and managed by the Organic & Fairtrade Competence Centre of Helvetas and by Organic Exchange.
We would like to encourage your active contribution to enhance and enrich this website for your own benefit and that of the community. Please don’t hesitate to send your remarks, documents or comments to [email protected].
This is your community!